WinRAR File Unlocker

Unlock WinRar File Using .RAR Unlocker

Hi, Guys If you want to Unlock Files you can use our free Rar Unlocker to Unlock your.rar file

Unlocking a .rar file may seem like an impossible task, but I have actually worked quite simply if you follow these steps you can unlock the file which has a numeric password and has the format of. RAR only.

Downloading the Required Files

First of all, download the file from the given link below and create a new folder. Move the downloaded file to this folder along with the .rar file you want to extract.

Copying the UnRAR.exe File

Next, navigate to the C Drive, then go to the Program Files, and then to WinRAR Folder. Now Copy the UnRAR.exe file from this location to the new folder you created.

Creating a .bat File and Unlock

Now, open the downloaded file with Notepad and click on “Save”. Choose “Save As” and save the file as a .bat file format. Then, copy the path of the file you want to unlock, open the .bat file, enter the path with a right-click, and press enter.

The file will run and find the password for you, allowing you to unlock the .zip file easily. With these steps, you can quickly unlock any .rar file that’s been giving you trouble.

Download the File: Click Here

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